A11, A31 & A21s YouTube Pre-roll

Samsung Myanmar


To support the launch of Samsung’s latest A31, A21s & A11 models with a creative pre-roll ad for YouTube & online media, radio commercial and social media publishing.

The A31, A21s & A11 pre-rolls had to be eye-catching, simple to understand and deliver the one key message in “Awesome screen, Awesome camera, Long lasting battery life” to our young urbanite target audience.


We knew the pre-roll needed to be dynamic and colourful to appeal to Gen Z. They live in the moment and wait for no content. So we cut together colourful segments interspersed with artistic transitions highlighting the functionality and style of the new models under the A Series brand, before a final CTA to make sure we were as direct and sharp as possible.

For the more budget A11 model, we focused deeper into the product functionality with a pumping soundtrack that we knew would speak to the widest range of people. It proved a hit and we can’t wait to (pre)roll into our next Samsung campaign!


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